Saturday, November 26, 2011


From now on, I'll prolly eat full vegetarian for him. It's not that I have to or what. It's just I want to. I know he's been going through a lot in his life and it's so upsetting that I can't do anything special for him or I can't do anything at all to comfort him. All I could do is just pray. Praying before I sleep and praying that he will be able to do it. I know it's been hard but he's trying very hard at the moment. I've seen him work and even if it's not Picasso or Da vincci best but everyone deserves a little credit for taking that mile to work. I always believe that in life, people who puts in even just a little effort is better than putting none at all or not even doing anything at all. I've seen him work and I know he's trying very hard. I'll always be praying for you baby.

It's not much but it's all I could do. I would sell everything and book a plane just to see you, comfort you and help you. I would if I had that money. I would join the competition and win it just for us. I seems a little far fetched or that I am getting way over head,'s one of the ways to motivate myself, to make me feel like I could do something rather than doubting myself giving myself negative comments about being unable to do it.

Feels sad at times I feel worthless. And how money is so tight at the moment I could just cry. 

But for you, I'll always be strong. I'll always remember how you comfort me, tell me to smile, kiss me and hug me whenever I feel down. 

But no matter the reason, I'll always love you.

Praying that you'll be able to get through the semester and praying that you'll understand and realise how much I love you. 

And baby, don't ever give up. It's your chance to show your lecturer what you can do. He giving you an OTP is a good chance. He's giving you one more shot to work out your flaws and do better. He could have done the other way round but with this opportunity you surely can show what you have. Take time to understand and do it well. I am always sure you can do it. Even if by means, it's not Da Vinci level and all that shit but the effort counts. You're always improving and I can see that. I love you so much. 

Don't ever lose hope. Don't lose faith in yourself and I won't lose faith in you. I never will.

I love you booboo :D


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