Thursday, April 5, 2012

Malaysia needs a major turning point.

What is this idiocy! My day was perfectly fine until I read another disturbing and yet pointless post from the Malaysian Insider. As you all know, I am so ashamed to say, Malaysia has pretty much made up excuses to ban certain things from our country and so far, this has got to be the most disrespectful. Banning a Singapore Dance Theatre because of indecent costumes?! Mind you, it’s a ballet performance and what can you expect from a ballet performance? Tutus and tights! And that is called INDECENCY?
You are a SHAME MALAYSIA. I am sorry, I am writing this bluntly but it’s the truth. You claim to be open minded and wanting to develop better. But you do that by focusing on other important things LIKE saving our economy from big debts? Arranging the government and cabinets better? I don’t know your, POLITICAL IDEAS. But you have the fucking audacity to focus on OTHER PETTY MATTERS like this one? I’m not saying ballet is a petty thing. I believe ballet is a beautiful piece of art which should not be banned because of one’s costumes! But the whole idea of banning it because of it it’s ridiculous and fucking disrespectful. IT’S A DISGRACE.
Ballet is meant to be appreciated from the artistic choreography and style as well as the graciousness of the routine. And because of this problem of costumes, you have to make up an excuse and just throw it off the wall?
I would come to understand if the costumes were indecent in terms of revealing certain private areas or such but tutus and tights? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.
I’m so sorry I sound so rude but it’s just a sad truth coming from my country. There are so much other things we should worry about. Why do we need to dwell with such other matters? Our country’s debts? Elections? Manifestos? OUR children’s future?! If you guys follow Sweatlee, I recommend you to read her blog.
Now that’s a true Malaysian. A Malaysian who is definitely contributing to our country, in terms of education wise. It was said that children in the rural areas were barely even taught anything at all and are struggling to learn. Previous teachers have given up and the children have already accepted their FATE - that they would not succeed.
How can you let your future generation, STEEP SO LOW? I cried reading about Suet Li’s hardships and wish I could do something to help her. She volunteered to educate such a hard batch of students, in only hope to make them improve their English or at least give them the nurturing and nourishment a teacher would. And she focuses on the utmost important thing- which is to make them better and improve. Even if it’s a slight improvement, it’s a great stepping stone! 
That’s what I called DEDICATION. A dedicated person who does her duty to fulfill not only her dream but her students’ as well. 
And what about you government?
What have you fulfilled for us?
It’s not that we don’t love you. I do love my country. I miss it even more when I’m in the UK cause I realised, there’s no place like where I’m from. But how can we love and appreciate you if you do this to us? If you keep breaking out ludicrous rules and censorships and making us feel so much more unstable?
How can you even be moving towards your vision of 2020 when even now, you sustain a good foundation of our country?
I want to do something great for my country which is why I am struggling so hard to work and study so that I can bring something better for my country. I am only a graphic design student but I want to contribute something to my country.
When I did my Bubble and Squeak corporate ID, I wanted to do a Malaysian themed base restaurant. I want people in UK to see the wonderful, bright personality of my country. I want them to see how exotic it is, how unique and harmonious we are. Because I am proud of it! But how can I be proud of this?!
It’s heartbreaking! 
It’s a tiny matter but such tiny matter has already reflected on what you are as a ruling government. Your actions have proved nonetheless.
I feel like a bad person. I do, by saying all this but it’s the truth. I want my country to be better. A better place to live and to grow as a wonderful developing country.
So please, STOP this mentality. If you want to change, be open minded like how you claim to be. Be open to suggestions, to CHANGES. Because that’s what we need right now in Malaysia.
A major turning point.

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