Thursday, December 22, 2011


Before I rant about some stuffs, just gonna post a few things. I made chocolate mousse yesterday and yes it was the surprise for my boyfriend :) It isn't very ummm special. Just chocolate mousse and that's it. It's super easy to make.

All you need is:
1) chocolate (any kind of chocolate but for this case, we used milk chocolate)
2) whipping cream (not the instant one, you need the whipping cream as in the ones that are actually in liquid form)
3) fruits (for the decoration)

these are also some items which can be considered but not necessarily needed.

1) sugar (if you're using dark chocolate, you might need sugar but not too much)
2) vanilla ascent (just for the vanilla flavour)

and if you want, I recommend using coffee mixed together with the chocolate as well.


1) Pour 200 grams of whipping cream into the mixing bowl and beat it well till till it's fluffy. If you want to test whether the whipping cream is ready to do, just tilt the bowl to see if it's moving. If it's all fluffy and not moving, it's ready to go into the fridge. But if it's still moving, you have to beat it a little more. Now this part is the trickiest. You have to be careful not to overbeat the whipping cream or else it'll turn into butter. I recommend it best to work in air conditioning rooms or at least work under a fan like what I did, cause it melts fast and we don't want that.

2) After that you need to repeat step 1 above in another mixing bowl until it's all fluff up and then put it in the fridge to cool. 

3) You need to pour 3/4 of water into a pot and bring it to a boil. While that is in the process, pour out 200 grams of chocolate in a separate bowl. When the water comes to a boil, place the bowl on top of the pot with the boiling water and wait for the chocolate to melt. This way, you will get a nice melted, smooth texture of chocolate. A lot of people might end up just melting the chocolate by putting in the chocolate straight under a direct heat which is what I did and the chocolate ended up burning to bits and pieces. So no no for that. In this process you have also add some coffee mixture in it to get a more coffee tinge to the mixture.

3) Once the chocolate is melted, take out the already nice fluffed whipping cream from the fridge and mixed it together with the melted chocolate. I didn't add any sugar for this because the chocolate was already sweet enough so you don't need to add another spoonful of sugar. Try not to mix the mixture roughly but instead use the folding method for this mixing process. When folded nicely, you should be able to get a nice and fluffy texture of creamy chocolatey goodness. 

4) When that is done, place the mixture in any nice cups or bowls you have and top it off with some extra remaining whip cream in the fridge and cut up fruits. Place it the fridge and wait for it to be a little stiff for about a few hours. When that's done, just serve it well!

Behind the scenes!

I couldn't resist.

Whipping up the cream! :D

I'll probably stop here for the time being. See ya guys real soon! :D

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