Monday, June 25, 2012


I'm sure many people don't know this but when I was younger, my second passion was writing. I know some of you are going burst out guffawing but it's true. I truly had a passion for writing then. I would write the most heartbreaking stories that would only well, leave me in tears. But that passion was long gone ever since I was shot down by an author on a fan fiction website.

I know, another dark secret that you didn't know. Yes, there were ideas I came up with and inspired from that perhaps the similarities were quite coincidental with another story that I had never read before. That author shot me down like wolf and it definitely left quite a scar behind. I was flabbergasted by the email and the way she commented on my work. She admonished me, telling me to credit her work before continuing the story. That was the first admonishment I ever had in my life. It wasn't something new to me but it left an impact. I was young. I was only 17 when that happened. I didn't really bother telling anybody about this cause I shoved it aside.

But recently, I've picked up this book and started reading again.

I watched the film a number of times but I wanted to read the book so badly. 

I'm halfway through it but I am in love with the language and in love with the story. He is such an amazing author. It rekindled my love for writing again. But well it will take time before I gain back the confidence to write again. 

It's been years now since I've last written a proper story. I wanted to become a writer initially but well, if I did, I wouldn't have met any of my wonderful friends right now eh? 

Of course, if I did become one, I wouldn't have met my current boyfriend :) I do feel happy that I have chosen design as a career to follow through. I am passionate about it and definitely learned a great deal of experiences throughout the year. I am grateful that it has given me the opportunity to enhance my skills. For now, writing will probably have to wait. Maybe when I get older, I'll write a book. 

One day. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Exhibition review and work out.

I swear today I was on fire! I have never felt so alive before and it feels really good to be doing something instead of well lazing around, which honestly is good as well! But this holiday I promised myself to be more fruitful and productive! In this case, which was visiting exhibitions, working out and writing (yes, I will elaborate more on this later) But right now, I wanna start talking about my day. (snooze!)

Today I went to this amazing exhibition which was based on the very infamous design movement, Bauhaus at the Barbican Centre. It was a brilliant exhibition and inspiring. My lecturer was amazing to planned this trip because it was really worth it. The one thing I love about exhibitions, it's not just you know the work that's there but the progression of a certain design movement. Seeing how Bauhaus has progressed from time to time definitely moved me. What is amazing as well is how back then, people utilised whatever they have for they do not have the advancements of technology of today but instead they were able to push the idea and lead it on till today, we see many designs especially furniture and such based on the principles of Bauhaus- form follows function.

The amazing thing about Bauhaus as well that it is versatile and has many diversity in it ranging from typography to layout designing, shapes, forms, even pottery and functions, furniture, dance, space, embroidery, fashion and even photography (where they were the first few to discover many different sorts of photographic techniques).

In all, it's a must- see exhibition. It's on until August so if you guys are still interested, please click here! 

Aside from that, this holiday; I've been working out a lot more. I know the effects are not overnight but I do want to be healthy again. I worked out twice (going to be three) today! I don't know why but I just felt like I need to do something you know and my first priority is well my health. I haven't been in the pink of health when I started my FMP hence, I do want to exercise on a regular basis. I've been a vegetarian for quite some time and I think it has been quite rewarding :) I don't miss meat that much in fact, well not at all. It's quite surprising but well I can live with it really.

Well this isn't going to be a picture post but either way, I'm still quite happy to blog about something I love. I hope I can keep this exercise routine up! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Final say

I cannot believe that it's finally over. I mean, wow. I am definitely overwhelmed at the moment and it's really exciting. I mean, I had exhibitions before but nowhere near this good. That feeling is very much imprinted inside me and I will never forget this. Today, we were setting up our exhibition and putting our posters up. Upon looking at them, there was this river of happiness that filled me in. Perhaps, this enthusiasm that hurdled me. My work was up and I have never felt so proud before.

It's truly a very memorable moment for me. The road to this day was a very long one. I have never expected myself to be in this position now. The feeling of not just freedom but content that finally all your hard work has finally paid off.

The saddest part is, we are the last batch of the course and my tutors blew off the entire budget of the course for this. I received my copy of the catalogue and I was beaming. I never expected myself to have come this far. To have worked solidly well throughout the entire course and finally getting to this stage. I mean it's a blessing. It truly is and I will never forget that. 

I have always been very afraid of what others might think of my work and till now, I still do. But this course, has done so much to me in just a year's time. I believe that it was one of the many reasons why I find studying abroad has its benefits. It definitely widened my perspective as well as knowledge in that sense. It made a better person as well. I admit, during my final major project, I was not in my best shape. There were definitely a lot of stressful moments and tears. But all that was worth it. Cause I had people who supported me all the way and in the end, I did it. I pulled it through after those sleepless nights- those nights where I would even stay up as late as 6 am to finish up my work and even sacrificed my one month  Easter holiday for my final major project. In the end, it was very rewarding.

I would love to show you the bits and pieces of the exhibition however we shall wait on the 14th where I'll be taking pictures of the exhibition at the private view.

Looking at this catalogue book makes me really sad. There's this sense of nostalgia running through me all over. I am really going to miss this course. I wouldn't have done it without my wonderful lecturers who helped me through. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be sure of my future, of my dreams or what I want to do. And lastly, I wouldn't be sure of my talent in design. Do not get me wrong, I'm not bragging at all. It's just the past year, I've been filled with doubts about my capability of designing and there were times, I wanted to give up because I had no other way round. I am just incredibly grateful for this opportunity that was given to me. 

It's sad that it's over but every ending had a new beginning. I will continue to work solidly well at this pace and strive harder to achieve my dreams. At the moment, I am still learning, self discovering and most importantly, improving every second, every hour, every day.

And to well whoever is reading (lol), I hope you find the joy and pride in your work as I have with mine. There are times we do not enjoy looking at our work because we've worked on it for so long but always believe in yourself.  There are people who see much beautiful potential in you and sometimes we overlook that because we are busy pushing too hard and getting all worked up. I do admit, I am like that as well and we in fact will fall into the trap at times. But if there is a will, there is a way. We need to overcome this problem with an open mind even if hope feels really thin. With a clear mind, we are able to see our mistakes, and learn from them. Have absolute confidence and work thoroughly.  

believe! xx

Monday, June 11, 2012

Revamping my room.

Today was such an eventful day! Honestly, today and yesterday was so fulfilling. I am so glad that I was able to do some shopping for myself not as in clothes no! But other important things for my room. As you all know, my room is my sanctuary. The state of my room will and I say with an utmost emphasis, will affect my mood and my work. For the record, I am considerably very messy but there is a limitation to everything and of course it was today. Even if it's already a holiday for me, my room still looks exceptionally messy.

It so happens that Daisy was thinking about redecorating her room and she wanted to go to Ikea. I seized the opportunity to well purchase some items for my room. I've been wanting to redecorate my room for a very long time but time was never on my side until today. It will take a while to achieve my dream room but step by step :3

I just realised how much I love and miss Ikea :) It's been almost years since I last went to Ikea. If I do remember correctly, the last time I went to Ikea was with my mates back in Form 2? This is a funny story but back then, my mates wrote this amazing story about us meeting with TVXQ (oh yes I know, KPOP fandom) and we live in this big house with our own rooms, swimming pool, balcony, and etc. Oh our minds were filled with that level of creativity. To the point, we actually went to Ikea to visualised our rooms. It was such a wonderful memory and thinking about it, I miss it even more. 

That's the power of imagination. It might be silly for us to imagine all these wonderful things but it made our bond stronger and also you know, we got our creative side of our brain to work well! 

Moving back to my topic *ahem* you know what they say about our eyes are bigger than our stomach. So in this case, our eyes are definitely bigger than our wallets or money capacity whatever you call it. I must say it was hilarious. Daisy and I were just booking! We took whatever stuffs we like and in the end, when we reached the counter, we had dismount the unnecessary stuffs from our trolley much to everyone's dismay. Even my cute strawberry plushie! :( But I did purchased some wonderful things for my room. I came back around 4 I presume and started working my way around the room.

It's already 7.23 pm and my room is finally cleaned and sort of redecorated nicely. 

In total, I bought new bed covers, a lamp (which I have an extremely funny story about it), magazine holders and a new pillow :D

Here are some of the products you see:

My new lamp and magazine holders! :D Yes my room is VERY CLEAN.

So the funny story about the lamp. Me being the smart ass, I thought the lamp came with the light bulb but well my logic ends there. I opened the box only to find the lamp but no light bulb. So I took a good look at the packaging and cringed.

Such simple icons and I overlooked it. 

Oh well, I shall indulge in some nice music and rest. 

ta! xx

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Portobello Market

Sorry for not blogging! I have been spending quality time with myself :) The weather has been cold and windy therefore it was the perfect time for me to catch up on my sleep. Quite a number of times I am aching to go outside and be one with nature but I just couldn't bring myself out from bed. But today I was successful enough to take my camera and go out for an adventure! This time, I went to this amazing market called Portobello market! It's located near Notting Hill Gate tube station and trust me, I thought it was hard to find this market but follow the crowd man and they'll lead you to the market.

The market is amazing! I really can't stress how much I am in love with the market. They sell one of the most beautiful vintage belongings and antiques ever. And they're all original! I am terribly in love with the market and I really do wish I could go back again. I probably will on Tuesday though! It's so exciting being back there again! I would love to see more of the market to be honest :3

Here are some pictures to sum it up!

There's more pictures on Facebook because there's too many to show! :D 

till I see you again! xx

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New things

Sorry about the inconsistency. I've been thinking about ways to blog my stuffs but however I haven't been feeling it lately but now I have something to share with you guys. It's a little more personal and I really do wanna share this amazing thing I recently discovered. I'll prolly tell you guys more in detail about this in another post but take a look at this beauty here:

This beautiful bloom was actually once a small round tight ball of no interest, no significance; nada. It really did look like a chunk of seaweed that appeared to be really unappealing. But the moment this ball touches the water, it fizzled, formed and eventually bloom into this magnificent life force you see right now. While this thing bloomed, it took a little while to flower but my friend told me to be patient cause these things take time. And it hit me. At that very moment, I was experiencing the same problem with myself the past few days. I was unable to see my capabilities for it was overshadowed by the doubts and I lack in confidence. But this. This beautiful thing, evolved from being nothing to something so much more than how it looked and it served its purpose well. 

We never know our capabilities until we are put to the test. We never know how special we are or how much we could offer until we are put in a situation that allows us to bloom just like this little beauty. We are not always perfect and like the little life force, we take time to realise it and to flourish our potential to the maximum. When we at our maximum, we finally see the wings. We finally see the flower, the beauty of our capabilities, our soul, our heart and we are able to embrace that side of us. 

This little thing inspired me. It's just a natural jasmine tea bag from China but what's so special about it? Look at it. I would love to share with you the transformation of this beauty but that will have to wait till I get proper and beautiful shots of it. I am in love with it at the moment and just looking at it makes me happy. I fail to realise sometimes that I am capable of many things but I just can't seem to see it. 

I guess you could say the same for butterflies :) A friend of mine shared this beautiful quote with me at the very midst of my sudden sullenness. 

" Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well"

such a beautiful quote.

At the moment, I am still finding a part of myself. Self discovering little things along the way as I move on. Life is truly great. If only you were able to see me right now. I have never realised how much I had forgotten someone and until now. It's been almost a decade. And till now, I never knew why I never cried when you passed away. I wasn't very close to you and that was my fault for not being a dutiful person to make time with you. Now that, I think about it; I barely see you. 

You came once in a while and made your favourite 'otak-otak' dish together and my sisters would be so delighted. You were a believer of Jesus while I followed my father's footsteps with Bhuddha. But it never tore us apart. It never stopped you from coming down all the way from Muar to see my mother, my family. And when you died, the one thing I regretted most was not being able to hold you during your last moments right here. But I was young, I didn't know how to respond to the word 'death'.

It's a painful word for me to repeat and at that moment, I just didn't know how to respond to such a heavy word. I still remember how you looked when I saw you in your cosy little bed; you were so cold.  You were stone cold but yet so peaceful. You were wearing your favourite suit and your hair all gelled up like you used to do it. That saddened me so much but yet I didn't cry. 

We went to the church that you used to go everyday, every Sunday for your prayers. It was my first time there and I just didn't know what to say or what to do. Kind of like a lost deer in a different forest. I still can't remember what happened to this day but I remember singing Amazing Grace with everybody. I couldn't express how much this song really had an effect on me ever since that day. Till this day, it has this soothing yet overwhelming effect all over me and I can't shake it off. 

Up then, I still didn't cry. I had no idea how or why. I saw my mother, my father, my sisters, crying but I wasn't. Was I very heartless? Did I not know what death did to him? Yet at the cemetery, when we said our final prayers and buried him; I didn't shed a tear.

Strangely, after a decade or perhaps more than that now, I reflect and finally tears are finally slowly streaming down like a river. I have finally understood what death did to you. It took you away. It took your life away and I failed to see that back then. I thought you were coming back but after so long, I knew you were never coming back. I couldn't bring myself to face the truth that you were really gone and buried within the earth. 

But thankfully death could not end the relationship between us. It didn't take away that. It took away your body but it never took your soul. Because your soul remains within us. Within my family, my mother, me. You were never truly gone. You still remained in our memories, in our hearts. I am truly glad to this day to have held your hand and embraced you. I am still embracing your love up until today, for you will never fade; ever. For all I know, you are up there watching over me and my family. 

My dearest grandfather, I love you.

Love lost is still love. It takes a different form, that’s all. You can’t see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Life has to end. Love doesn’t.”

Mitch Albom.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Winter's tale

It's been so cold and I really do hate it cause the past week was sweltering hot in London and now it's just gone back to being cold. But I can't wait for this amazing news that I should tell you guys! Well I can't consider this my holiday yet cause I've been working on my poster (which is pretty much done, I've stuck with the design nonetheless) and another special thing that's coming up!

I will tell you more about it in my next post but for now, I shall continue working while watching Narnia.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Caterina's Birthday

Happy birthday Caterina! 

Yesterday was Caterina's birthday celebration so we went out to this amazing korean restaurant that's located ever so far off London (Zone 5). The arduos journey really was killing but all for good company and good food! It was really worth it :)

I realised I never went to a proper korean restaurant in AGES! I'm just so glad I was able to experience it yesterday thanks to Cata :D

The adorable couple :)

Boony :D

Fely :D

Intermission: it's mouthwatering chicken! SO SHINY.

Beef cooking.

We literally cleaned the dishes :P

But we get new ones after so yay! :D

Intermission: Pretty friends :D Pi KARN! :D


What a great night :D *burp*

Shall go and indulge myself in a good book :).


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cheers to my 200 post :)

It's my 200th post! :D *throws confetti* Cough anyways. Yesterday was rather slow but fruitful. Went out with little miss Daisy for a stroll around Covent Garden. Along the way we grabbed lunch, rekindled our childhood with Disney and oolala~ we bought some stuffs at London Graphic Center. I bought a sketchbook, post its and some paperclips for my *cough* upcoming project. We went to H&M as well and I thought I could try on some bikinis for my Barcelona trip (SUN TANNING) but unfortunately, they didn't have my size therefore I prolly might go back to H&M to another store to try on some other sizes.

After that went to Magma and bought myself a lovely magazine which I'll post it up later! It's early in the morning at the moment so my head's at a daze.

ps: I'm returning another item today. Woot!

I feel so conned :( I went in to return my skirt, only to realise that they don't do refunds so I exchanged it for a cute looking collar and when I returned and tried it on, it broke. What is this. I might as well have just kept the skirt then. Aish.
ta. xx