Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Final say

I cannot believe that it's finally over. I mean, wow. I am definitely overwhelmed at the moment and it's really exciting. I mean, I had exhibitions before but nowhere near this good. That feeling is very much imprinted inside me and I will never forget this. Today, we were setting up our exhibition and putting our posters up. Upon looking at them, there was this river of happiness that filled me in. Perhaps, this enthusiasm that hurdled me. My work was up and I have never felt so proud before.

It's truly a very memorable moment for me. The road to this day was a very long one. I have never expected myself to be in this position now. The feeling of not just freedom but content that finally all your hard work has finally paid off.

The saddest part is, we are the last batch of the course and my tutors blew off the entire budget of the course for this. I received my copy of the catalogue and I was beaming. I never expected myself to have come this far. To have worked solidly well throughout the entire course and finally getting to this stage. I mean it's a blessing. It truly is and I will never forget that. 

I have always been very afraid of what others might think of my work and till now, I still do. But this course, has done so much to me in just a year's time. I believe that it was one of the many reasons why I find studying abroad has its benefits. It definitely widened my perspective as well as knowledge in that sense. It made a better person as well. I admit, during my final major project, I was not in my best shape. There were definitely a lot of stressful moments and tears. But all that was worth it. Cause I had people who supported me all the way and in the end, I did it. I pulled it through after those sleepless nights- those nights where I would even stay up as late as 6 am to finish up my work and even sacrificed my one month  Easter holiday for my final major project. In the end, it was very rewarding.

I would love to show you the bits and pieces of the exhibition however we shall wait on the 14th where I'll be taking pictures of the exhibition at the private view.

Looking at this catalogue book makes me really sad. There's this sense of nostalgia running through me all over. I am really going to miss this course. I wouldn't have done it without my wonderful lecturers who helped me through. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be sure of my future, of my dreams or what I want to do. And lastly, I wouldn't be sure of my talent in design. Do not get me wrong, I'm not bragging at all. It's just the past year, I've been filled with doubts about my capability of designing and there were times, I wanted to give up because I had no other way round. I am just incredibly grateful for this opportunity that was given to me. 

It's sad that it's over but every ending had a new beginning. I will continue to work solidly well at this pace and strive harder to achieve my dreams. At the moment, I am still learning, self discovering and most importantly, improving every second, every hour, every day.

And to well whoever is reading (lol), I hope you find the joy and pride in your work as I have with mine. There are times we do not enjoy looking at our work because we've worked on it for so long but always believe in yourself.  There are people who see much beautiful potential in you and sometimes we overlook that because we are busy pushing too hard and getting all worked up. I do admit, I am like that as well and we in fact will fall into the trap at times. But if there is a will, there is a way. We need to overcome this problem with an open mind even if hope feels really thin. With a clear mind, we are able to see our mistakes, and learn from them. Have absolute confidence and work thoroughly.  

believe! xx

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