Monday, January 9, 2012

This feeling is quite unbearable.

Coming back to London has always been great but well, this time was different. Maybe it's just the cold weather whatsoever that's bringing me back a lot memories but then again, it could be just me trying to fit in into the cold. Not very fond of all this nonsense so I'm just going keep it simple and short. I just miss everyone. Sorry to those I didn't have enough time to well look for you guys or hung out. It's honestly been a headache for me.

To sum up my last 2011, it was great. During my winter break, I was able to

1) Spend time with my famili :)
2) Spend time with the most handsome man on earth, Jeremy :)
3) Friends!
4) Karaoke!
6) Watch all the latest movies yeah!

And well eat :) Mostly.

I've been spending my day running around London, finding for stuffs only to realise I left out quite a lot. Haih, silly me *knocks head* need to bring my list next time. But aside from that, London seems a whole lot bigger. Maybe it's just me but it's such a scary place to live in as joyous as it sounds. It's overwhelming. I haven't devoted my time entirely to reading. I miss reading as in novels, fanfictions, so much more and it scares me that I can't write anymore.

You heard me.

I can't write stories anymore.

Sounds like a dangerous tangled thread to be stuck in huh? But it's true. I used to write marvelous (not lying or being boastful) stories, ideas were wild and such and I felt so free writing them. But now?

I can't even write a simple short story without erasing everything or hitting the deleting button multiple times. And I still wonder what happened to me?

Was it because of the lack of reading? Lack of motivation or that I was afraid to write.

Afraid to express.

That scares me. 

I really love writing so so much. But it's so bleak now.

I am no longer that good after all.

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