Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Work work work ;_; and oh family!

Started working on my fourth sketchbook. I mean seriously? My portfolio is going to bloat and die :(

3 sort of completed sketchbook and currently working on the fourth one. Heheh.

Hmm, my blog is so boring some times :( I need to revamp it. Make it more I don't know alive?

Err okay. I'll update some very OLD events from last year. So last year, my relatives were getting married and yes! Family time! And of course, my dad's side reunited and all of us were FINALLY TOGETHER as a family :)

Can you feel the feminine power going on in there! I did warn alot of you that my family is pron to having women overpopulation and there you have it :D 


I mean it's hard to get all of us to reunite and sadly enough, I won't be able to spend CNY with my family :( I mean it's the most prestigious and amazing part of reunion and I won't be there. I guess you might not know it feels. When you were young, we were always happy together as a family. Eating together, laughing, talking and getting ang paus. I guess it's that amazing and genuine feeling of a reunion. If there was any way I could trade anything for those times.

I hope you guys will enjoy your CNY as much as I do.

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