Sunday, July 3, 2011

One more day

I know I'm just being really super hard working trying to make things right for my work but it's true, I am truly not satisfied with the outcome of my typography. So many things that could be changed and be better. And so many things that you learn from this. It's always great to take something with you back before you leave. I believe no matter how time flies, I'll always have a reason to look back and remember how far I have grown. 

If there's one thing I lost along the way, is that, I lost my muchness. I lost my ability to go far and dream big. I have lost that ability due to the constrain walls built during my young teenage years. I used to be daring, now I am afraid.

I used to be strong, now I am frail and weak. 

I used to be crazy, now I am lost. 

There are a lot of things that I want to change and perhaps, that would be my first step.

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