Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research and research

Reading books about graphic design can be boring but some are actually really good. Umm to sum up my weekend so far? It has been quite boring. I'll be posting pictures as soon as possible but for the time being,  I have some research to get back on to.

It's crazy cause the due date is 6th October and I got my assignment like on THURSDAY! I borrowed books yesterday and started reading them all the way until today. So far, I've gathered some information but I'm still reading. One month's not long so I have to make my article a BOMB. 500 words is not a lot but the research is really amazing. A lot of things answered my doubts while some questioned me and some actually made me realised a lot things.

You might be wondering, who needs to study theory for graphic design but it is imperative that you do. Knowing the history is very important despite the long essays and riddle of words. I actually understood a bit more about the principles of design and so on. I got to know many designers and I am thoroughly inspired by them.

Trust me. It's hard but once you read them, you actually understand a lot on design therefore you revolve around it and develop your own style rather than skills. As much as I would love to develop my skills and train them, I also want to develop my thinking into a more creative one and let alone, let it expand into a wide scope where I view things differently.

That is all. Chao!


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